19th July - 20th August
Wow! The Spanish Rias are beautiful. So many beaches and little fishing harbours, tapas bars and great people. We started off going to Corme and Camerinas, both of which are north of the Finisterre Peninsular. Not quite into the Spanish Rias but heading that way.
Matt & Anna came to see us in Corme for lunch, which was a lovely surprise as we didn't think we were going to see them for a long time. Lunch was delicious with scallops & garlic prawns. There are few shops in Corme and a lovely small fishing harbour.
We love the siesta's the Spanish have every afternoon. Although it can a bind when everything closes up if you need something between 1pm & 4.30pm, it does mean the tapas bars become busy with everyone having their lunch-break & siesta time. It also means that the day's feel so much longer because you stay awake later as everything is open so much later than we are used to in the UK. Every day is a Sunday to us, it's brilliant.
This Atlantic coastline is very pretty. Although it has it's pitfalls like the Great Atlantic Swell, which can catch a lot of people out, including us (more on that another time), when you are sailing along you would be pretty unlucky to not see a pod of dolphins and maybe a family of Pilot whales and if you're offshore a bit more you may even come across one of the many gigantic whales that swim in their own ocean. The Atlantic Coastline itself is very rocky so makes for a very scenic sail and holds many surprises within the beautiful Rias.
Plenty of supermarkets & launderettes and the obligatory Spanish Fiesta creating a lively noisy but happy place to be.
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