We sailed form Cameret to Morgat during the day of 24th June in beautiful weather with enough wind that we managed to sail without motor for most of the passage. We were lucky enough to see 3 dolphins who again stayed with us for about 10mins. These are awesome creatures that are so serene in the water and appear to have fun with both each other and us.
Morgat looks to be a new town, although some of the properties were older there were also a lot of new builds too. The marina too was also a very new looking project.
All 3 boats anchored in the bay next to the marina and unbeknown to us we had arrived when the Mini Sailing Boat European Championships were being held and there had to be at least 150 boats on the water with children no older than 15 sailing - right out in the very large bay about 3-4 miles out. They were incredibly fast and the children were very competent.
There is a large supermarket in Morgat so we were able to provision up enough to last us until we were able to find a superstore type of shop.
The beach is stunning with golden sand and when the tide goes out, it goes out a long way leaving a haven for dogs to run about on and a great place to paddle (the water is still just a tad cold in June though).
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